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Suspending quick navigation keys

The following was taken directly from the jaws message center. I had no idea this feature even existed: In JAWS, you can temporarily suspend the use of Navigation Quick Keys when on a web page by pressing INSERT+SHIFT+Z if using desktop keyboard layout, and CAPS LOCK+SHIFT+Z in laptop layout. This is useful if you need to use keystrokes native…

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Knowing where you are on the wonderful worldwide web

Have you ever been browsing a website & came across a text field where you wanted to enter data or maybe even filling out a form to sign-up for an event or website account, such as Facebook? I have & often times, I’ll get “lost in the page” & forget what my screen-reader just said….

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An easy way to navigate through messages in Outlook

Recently, I was going through my email, when I discovered that there is a much easier way to quickly navigate between messages rather than pressing escape to exit your current message and using arrow keys to move up and down through the list. That much easier way is to simply press control+, to move back…