IOS web browsing tip

For those of us who like to browse the web from our iDevices, I was doing that recently & came across this feature.

From my experimentation, I can tell you that this tip works with #Brave & #MicrosoftEdge.

Below, is a very easy way to close specific tabs, assuming you don’t want to close them all.

To test this for yourself, try the following :

1. Open either Brave or Edge.

2. Put Voiceover focus on the item in the bottom right-hand corner of your iPhonescreen. (On iPad, it’s at the top.) Voiceover will say, “open tabs, immediately followed by a number. this number is the number of tabs you currently have open.

3. double tap this.

4. now, put Voiceover focus on an item you’d like to close and swipe three fingers to the left.

Screen-reader Productivity Tip

The following is for those of you who use a Screen-reader with a Lenovo Yoga laptop.

I was under the impression that changing the volume quickly was not possible, boy, was I wrong!

After tinkering around with various keyboard shortcuts, I discovered that there is in fact a quick and easy way to do this.

To adjust the volume of your screen-reader’s speech, press f2 to decrease and f3 to increase.

Depending on if your function keys are enabled, you may need to add the function key, which on my particular model, is located just to the right of the control key.

There you have it, a quick and easy way to adjust your volume on the fly! If you have any questions or need assistance with this process, sound off in the comments & I’d be more than happy to assist you.

My amateur radio Journey

When I was in high school, I took a class on ham radio.

I didn’t take an exam at the time because I didn’t own the necessary equipment, didn’t know what equipment was required, & didn’t know anyone else enjoying the hobby.

Fast-forward to the summer of this year, & my friend, John & I were talking.

During one of our conversations, the topic of ham radio came up, & he began offering me study sessions via zoom.

He also sent me a Walkie-talkie.

During our zoom sessions, we read & discuss the question pool, for the technician class license, one section at a time.

I’m still in the process of studying for my license, but have also started college. (More details on that, in my next post.)

I hope I can take my exam, & obtain my license, before next year.

I say that because at the beginning of next year, a $35 fee will be required for all new license applications, renewals, &/or upgrades, & I prefer not to have to pay that, unless it’s absolutely necessary.

In my limited use of the equipment I received, I’ve really been enjoying the hobby. I certainly hope I can get my license, and get on the air very soon!

As of April 15, 2022, I’m officially a licensed ham! My call is KE8UPE! I’m hoping to go for my general soon! Until then, I’ll just keep enjoying the technician level privilages of my new-found favorite hobby!

It allowed me to achieve a dream, and also prove to myself and others, that anything is possible.

My encouragement to others, “set a goal, and go for it! “